Transportation Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP, is a six-year plan that identifies, prioritizes and allocates funding for transportation projects. The TIP is financially constrained and is the “short-range” component of KMPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan. The TIP is updated annually with adoption by the KMPO Board.  Development of the TIP is a continuous process involving agency staff and public involvement. Prior to the Board’s adoption of the TIP, there is always a 30 day comment period to provide for public input.

KMPO works closely with ITD, Citylink Transit, LHTAC, and member agencies to keep the TIP as accurate as possible throughout the fiscal year as changes to projects are certain to occur.  Changes are processed either through an amendment which requires approval by the KMPO Board of Directors and possibly public involvement, depending on the nature of the change, or an administrative modification which requires approval by the KMPO Executive Director with notification to the KMPO Board of Directors.  TIP Amendments are processed per the KMPO Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendments Policy Statement.


The 2025-2031 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) was approved by the KMPO Board on September 12, 2024. The Program was subsequently approved by ITD, FHWA, and FTA.


Transportation Improvement Programs from previous years can be viewed using the tabs below.