Metropolitan Transportation Plan

2020-2040 MTP Update

The 2020 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is a comprehensive multi-modal “blueprint” for regionally significant transportation projects and investments aimed at meeting the mobility needs of Kootenai County through the year 2040.  The Plan was approved by the KMPO Board on May 14, 2020.

Due to the size of the document, it has been made available in sections and may be viewed or downloaded from the 2020 KMPO MTP Final Dropbox or by using each of the links below:

Table of Contents
Section 1 - Overview and Key Policy Issues
Section 2 - Travel Demand Modeling Data & Analysis
Section 3 - Existing Conditions
Section 4 - Future Conditions
Section 5 - Financial Analysis and Funding Plan
Section 6 - Planned Projects

Appendix A: KMPO Public Involvement Policy
Appendix B: 2018 KMPO Model Documentation
Appendix C: KMPO Population Growth Forecasts, 2040
Appendix D: Modeled Roadway & Intersection Levels of Service 2018 & 2040
Appendix E: Project Details and Estimated Costs
Appendix F: Public Comments & Participation