KMPO has studied the potential for a north-south roadway between US Highway 95 and State Highway 41 to serve existing traffic and future transportation growth on the Rathdrum Prairie and meet regional mobility needs. Previous studies and current development patterns within Kootenai County and the Cities of Rathdrum, Post Falls, Coeur d’Alene, and Hayden have identified significant increases for future travel demand within the study area. Specifically, projected growth within the area will result in future capacity issues on the existing transportation network and require preservation of right of way for future roadway facilities. This report presents the Right of Way Needs Map prepared for the Huetter Corridor Study.
The Huetter Road area has long been discussed as a potential corridor for a new major transportation route. The overall goals of the Right of Way Needs Study were:
- Determine Corridor right of way needs (Primary Goal).
- Provide an alignment that minimizes and supports right of way needs.
- Establish a right of way preservation process.
- Determine general right of way width requirements.
- Minimize right of way acquisition needs (“smallest footprint”).
- Minimize impacts to existing / planned developments, utility substations, and the Coeur d’Alene Airport.
- Minimize impacts to existing Huetter Road properties and accesses.
The next steps in the Huetter Corridor Study will be to complete the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) / ITD Access Point Decision Report and the Conceptual Design process to determine the “Preferred Alternative” through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process, which would entail preparation of a categorical exclusion, environmental assessment, or environmental impact statement. A public involvement and technical advisory process will also be included.
The 2009 Huetter Corridor Study Final Right of Way Needs Report is available in sections:
- Executive Summary and Introduction
- Huetter Road Corridor Study Process
- Alignment Alternatives
- Environmental Scan
- Right of Way Needs Map Implementation
NOTE: On July 8, 2021, the KMPO Board approved an alignment change on the north side of the Huetter Corridor moving the connection with U.S. 95 from the vicinity of SH-53, southward to the vicinity of U.S. 95 and Boekel Road as a result of the recent SH-53 Interchange. The notices and documentation associated with that update are available at