Technical Committee

Kootenai County Area Transportation Team (KCATT)

The technical committee, KCATT consists of one representative from each member jurisdiction and up to five non-voting members who represent various transportation interests. While representatives from member jurisdictions are appointed by their jurisdiction, non-voting members are appointed by the KMPO Board, at the recommendation of KCATT, through an application process.

Committee members who represent local jurisdictions are appointed and authorized to represent their jurisdiction in matters affecting roadways and transportation issues.  KCATT also makes recommendations to the KMPO Board on matters related to the distribution and prioritization of federal funds and the development of uniform standards and procedures for the construction, maintenance, use, operation and administration of the transportation systems through the KMPO/Kootenai County area.  As a technical committee, they also work closely with KMPO staff.  The committee plays an important role in the success of the organization.

* KCATT Bylaws

KCATT meetings are open to the public and held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the ITD District 1 office, 600 W. Prairie Avenue, Coeur d’Alene at 8:00 a.m.

2025 KMPO Board and KCATT Approved Meeting Dates Calendar

For special accommodation/translation services, call 208.930.4164, 48 hours in advance. KMPO assures nondiscrimination in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.O. 100.259), and the Americans with Disabilities Act.