For a number of years, regional planning professionals have shared resources and been in communication about growth management, housing, transportation and have worked together on related planning issues. The year 2020 brought heightened concerns as in-migration numbers and housing prices spiked. In response, creation of a more formal group was spearheaded by Coeur d’Alene Council Member Kiki Miller and Community Planning Director Hilary Anderson. Kootenai County, cities of Post Falls, Hayden, Rathdrum and KMPO joined to form the original work group. They named the group the Regional Housing and Growth Issues Partnership.
The partnership structure includes a Working Group and an Advisory Group. The Working Group will include the regional planners, along with elected representatives and administrators. The Advisory Group will be comprised of representatives from a variety of organizations and community groups. Both groups may have additions as topics warrant.
Goals (defined initial goals of the partnership):
Establishing a diverse resource group that can provide factual answers to community and officials questions;
- Put forward solutions and a framework for implementation based on data supported issues with inputs on what the community wants;
- Provide education on what is/is not possible; and
- Work together on regional topics that affect all regarding housing and growth in Kootenai County.
Please visit the Working Groups’ Regional Housing & Growth Issues Partnership page to learn more.