In September of 2022, the KMPO approved a contract with ITERIS ® to develop and produce a Facilities and Operations Plan for possible development of a Kootenai Regional Traffic Management Center (KRTMC). The plan’s development is being conducted in phases consistent with Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) requirements to ensure uniform application of terminology, methodology, and
implementation capability.
To date, ITERIS ® has delivered:
1. Existing Conditions – previously presented
2. Site Evaluation Report – previously presented
3. Concept of Operations – Workshop item April 12th
To be delivered:
4. System Requirements, Verification and Validation Plan
5. Implementation Plan
6. Financial Plan and Benefit Cost Analysis
The Concept of Operations Plan was initially developed as part of the TMC Feasibility Study conducted
by Kapsch Inc. in 2020 under contract with the Idaho Transportation Department. As a initial plan for the purposes of determining feasibility, there were some material weaknesses that need to be re-visited and modified to reflect current FHWA requirements, as well as guidance from members of KCATT on the scope of activities that a traffic management center might reasonably conduct.
This document (access using link below) is intended to provide a high-level user oriented view of the proposed KRTMC that focuses on needs and functions that must be met. The document identifies what local and state agency stakeholders want the system to do and documents roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders. The document also provides the overall system design that will be used in the subsequent reports listed above.
This document, and the underlying approach in its development, is based on guidelines found in FHWA
Rule 940 and employs the FHWA’s ‘SET-IT’ tool for guidance in its development.
The Concept of Operations Plan Operational Purpose:
a. Reduction in roadway bottlenecks on designated State highways and local major arterials
b. Improvement of poor intersection levels of service (LOS)
c. Enhancement of travel time performance and reliability (TTLOS)
d. Ability to centerally manage and operate signals and ITS assets as a system
e. Improvement of traveler information services
f. Improvement in ability to manage transportation related incidents on designated State highways
and local major arterials
The Concept of Operations Plan Operational Needs:
a. Provide the capability to actively manage traffic signal performance on arterials
b. Provide situational information and performance metrics on designated highways and arterials
c. Provide coordinated traffic incident management capability
d. Promote corridor management and traveler information
e. Improve interagency transportation activity coordination
f. Provide all of the above from a centrally located, stakeholder jointly owned and operated Traffic Management Center (TMC)
Next Steps:
The Concept of Operations Plan will be used as the basis for the remaining contract tasks, which are
scheduled to be completed by September.
The plan has been reviewed multiple times by the KMPO technical advisory committee (KCATT) and
has been unanimously approved by the committee with a recommendation for approval.