Kootenai Metropolitan Planning Organization (KMPO) invites Kootenai County residents to apply to serve on its Kootenai County Area Transportation Team, which meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. Each public non-voting member is appointed by the KMPO Board for a two-year term. Up to five (5) non-voting members representing various types of transportation interest will be selected for the open positions.
The mission of KMPO is to plan, program and help to deliver transportation plans, programs and projects that expand access and improve mobility in order to foster a vibrant and livable Kootenai County. As a committee created by KMPO, KCATT makes recommendations to the KMPO Board; keeps a close eye on upcoming transportation improvements; and engages with project sponsors and community members in a proactive and productive manner.
Membership requirements:
1) Non-voting members must be Kootenai County residents
2) Up to five (5) non-voting members of the general public may appointed by the KMPO Board to represent a wide range of transportation interests such as:
• Aviation
• Rail
• Bicycle
• Pedestrian
• Public Transportation
• Freight logistics
• Warehousing
• Transportation Safety and Security
• Enforcement
If you are interested, you may view and print the publication and application below or contact KMPO at email: kmpo@kmpo.net; phone: 208-930-4164; or mail to: KMPO 250 Northwest Blvd., Suite 209, Coeur d’ Alene, ID 83814. Application period will be open from December 20th 2019 to January 10th 2020.
For special accommodation/translation services, call 1.208-930-4164. KMPO assures nondiscrimination in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P.O. 100.259) and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Publication on Dec 20th and Dec 27th 2019.
Publication: Join the KMPO Kootenai County Area Transportation Team (KCATT)
Application for Kootenai County Area Transportation Team (KCATT) Non-Voting Member Positions