Surface Transportation Block Grant Program
Note Timing of Applications: Project Applications will be due to KMPO no later than February 14, 2020. Applications will be reviewed for completeness and meeting eligibility requirements and then submitted to KCATT for scoring at the February 25, 2020 regular KCATT meeting. See Memo (below) for complete details.
Surface Transportation Block Grant Program – Call for Projects (2021-2027) Memo
Application for 2021-2027 Urban Program Funds (Word format)
Application for 2021-2027 Urban Program Funds (pdf format)
As a Federally designated urbanized area between 50,000 and 200,000 population, the Kootenai Metropolitan Area receives funding for transportation projects on the Federal-aid system through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The availability of those funds is created through the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act or FAST Act. The FAST Act is a multi-year 2016-2021 transportation authorization bill, which established transportation programs; established the funding levels; and provides provisions that set both broad and specific policy goals and objectives.
The FAST Act was implemented by the Administration through the release of rules published in the Federal Register and through notices of funding availability. The FAST Act supersedes the previous transportation authorization legislation (MAP-21); however, to the extent the law was similar, those rules generally remain in place.
The Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) is a well-established program. ITD as a matter of ITD Board policy, discounts the funds available to local areas between 5,000 and 200,000 populations. That policy continues with the FAST Act, it will be difficult to determine the actual STP funding availability to the Kootenai Metropolitan Area, until each year’s appropriation cycle is completed.